Friday, December 31, 2010

About me LPing in the New Year

Well I would make a video update but to be honest I don't know all the details yet of how I want to handle LP video uploads.

All I really have to work with at the moment, is 3 new Golden Sun LP videos made and around 10 but soon to be 12 videos of my new Winter side Lets Play.

Once I go back to school I won't be able to record more but I believe I have enough recorded to get up to part 20 of my Golden Sun LP.  The problem is actually editing the footage into videos.  I rarely can get anymore than one Golden Sun part edited per day.

And I think I might need to take the first week back to classes which would be this week to just adjust back to class life with the "handicap" stuff I talked about in my past blog. 

So I guess the point is, I want to upload new Lets Play videos but I just don't know if I have the time to do so.  I'm considering uploading my Golden Sun LP once a week and the side LP twice a week, but I don't even know if I can make enough Golden Sun videos to keep up with that. 

I guess until future notice, no new Lets Play uploads this week and hopefully at worst I'll have some sort of upload schedule next week.  There's a chance that I'll upload a LP video before then but the odds are getting more and more slim.

Oh yeah that non-LP video I said I would do... no promises but I'll see if I can come up with anything tomorrow, since it's my last day before heading back to the dorms.

Monday, December 20, 2010

My Handicap

Some of you who've seen the twitter know something is up with me.  I was originally only going to share this if I felt it was gonna get in the way of uploading of comics and videos and I feel just that might be the case.

So here goes nothing.  It's personal and I'm sure you don't want me to get into the details so I'll just lay out the basics.  For the past year I've had something up with my foot, so I had to get surgery on it today.  I'm not allow to put any weight on it for the next month or so and I'll even have to be off it when I go back to school.  There's nothing life-threaten, just at worst some painful days and inconvenience getting around places.

As to what this means to you, well I'm hoping not much will change.  I was able to get onto the computer today after all and I think the pain will be it's worst for the next couple days.  So I'm gonna wait at least a couple days before trying to go downstairs to the basement to record video game footage and that.  But hopefully I should be able to get uploads done on schedule. 

The good news is that I've recorded Golden Sun footage all the way to part 20 and I've edited up to part 13 aka the Xmas Special.  I still gotta finish the Jackit sketches and plop them onto that video.  That might be the only thing that keeps me from getting part 13 up on time combined with my new-found handicap.  I'm hoping I'll still get it done in time though, I do have all week after all.

As for comics I doubt anything is slowing down there as long as I can get online still.  I have plenty of comics on standby, including two brand new Christmas/Winterween comics.  One Jackit and Friends and the other Bob and Steve.  I'm planning on uploading the Bob & Steve first because I feel it's the less impressive of the two like most Bob and Steve comics compared with Jackit comics.

So yeah, I believe that covers everything I wanted to say, so until next video or comic you see, happy holidays regardless what religion or lack of religion you celebrate have a wonderful set of days.  Oh, and if your ever feeling down, know that you at least don't have to spend your winter break with a cast on your foot, at least I hope you don't have to. :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Back to recording and testing out widescreen uploading

Well finally home again so I can record game footage which is good since the internet connection makes uploading longer and more tedious and also forces me to upload smaller file sizes just to get it to work.

I finished making a widescreen video test which will be up some time today depending on how long my internet wants to take with uploading it.  I know I did upload it before, but the widescreen part failed, however, I think I figured out what I did wrong so I'm gonna try uploading it again.

I also finished recording the Lucky Egg sidequest, the last thing I wanted to record for Pokemon XD before my new Lets Play starts.  That's gonna require a bit more editing so I would give it till Monday for me to upload that.

So depending how I feel, I might actually record the first video for my new Lets Play tonight.  Can't believe I'm finally gonna do this.  Well see you guys later.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Video Plans Before my next Lets Play

Hey guys!  Like I said here's what I know so far about my LP schedule and that till the start of my next Lets Play.

Anyways right now I only have one more Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness video before I'm completely out of Pokemon XD related footage.  This means I'll posting that on Friday, and I won't be uploading any Lets Play related videos the week after that which works out fine because it's exam week anyways and I should be focusing on those anyways.

The week after that I have completely off from school so I should have a bit of time to actually record footage for my next Lets Play and finish up footage for Pokemon XD.  This basically just means showing the last side quest of the game and perhaps the extended ending of the game depending how I feel.

Now I know I said I would be covering Mt. Battle, but truth be told, with my next Lets Play coming up I just don't have the time to cover it, so I would rather focus on starting to record my next Lets Play instead so I actually have enough footage so I can make enough videos to upload 3X a week for the 2 weeks I'll be away from home.  I don't think I'm going to abandon covering Mt. Battle all together but I just won't be doing it for a while.  Perhaps when I come home for Holiday Break I'll record Mt. Battle then.

So recap my uploading shedule:
This week: one last Pokemon XD video Friday or Saturday
Next week Nov. 14-20:  No Lets Play videos
Week of Nov. 21-27: Might upload Lucky Egg sidequest video depending on how quickly I get it made.  However, since I'll be home I'll have to upload it as a smaller file which might affect the quality.
Week of Nov. 28- Dec.4:  New Lets Play will begin Tuesday and will hopefully be uploaded at least 3 times a week depending on how much recording I get done at home.  Who knows, maybe I'll even make a revelation video the day before.

So Lets Playing is gonna look pretty light for the next couple weeks but I'll be sure to make up for it when my new Lets Play actually starts.  Not only is it gonna be at least as long as Pokemon XD.  I'm planning on doubling the effort I put into editing.  I already got some bios for bosses and characters made and plan to change my whole video layout so things like Jackit annotations and the bios don't get in the way of the gameplay. I'm also trying to figure out how to upload to YouTube in widescreen so you guys never have to see black bars again.  And so I have a little more room to work in space for character bios.

In the mean time feel free to check out my webcomics.  They're actually the inspiration for the Jackit annotation and various sketches that were in my Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness play-through.  I'll be updating them throughout the next few weeks because unlike my Lets Play I don't have to be at home to make them and I actually stockpiled them. ._.

There's also a special arch I plan to release around the weeks before the Lets Play and who knows, it might give you a hint what that Lets Play is... just a whim. :)